How long does it take for CBD oil to start working? The answer to this question depends on how you are ingesting the CBD, how much CBD you are taking, and what you are trying to achieve by taking the CBD oil.
CBD edibles, tinctures, and gel caps arguably take the longest amount of time to begin feeling their effects because they must pass through many different bodily systems and organs. Effects can be felt in as little as 30 minutes or as much 2 hours later; it varies from person to person. It also depends on how long before and how much food was eaten prior to taking the CBD oil. If your preferred method of taking CBD oil is through tinctures, edibles, or gel caps, taking it on an empty stomach will allow it to pass through the metabolic and digestive processes quicker and into the bloodstream.
Vaping CBD e-Liquid is considered to be the fastest and most effective way to feel the effects of CBD. When you vape or inhale CBD e-Liquids, it is immediately administered and absorbed into the body. Less CBD is lost through vaping as compared to taking tinctures, edibles or gel caps because digestion and other metabolic processes are avoided.
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